Donna McCulloch AKA Sulky Doll Styling Top Tips

    Happy Friday everyone!
    Last week I had a wonderful chat with Donna aka Sulkydoll Styling on my IGTV live channel and we discussed everything from boobs to, keeping up appearances and confidence issues faced after having a baby.
    If you haven't had chance to watch it yet then fear not. Here are a few of the top tips we discussed together on styling your body after having a baby.
    Top tips for styling your body after having a baby
  • Comfort is key, literally and metaphorically. Wear sizes that fit you and don’t worry about the size in the label. You grew a human and had a baby - nine months on - nine months off.
  • Wear colours that flatter your skin tone - colour dramatically improves mood and will make you feel better. Now stores are open you can pop in and some will have in house stylists that can help with this.
  • Get fitted for a bra. Underwear is the literal silhouette and once you have had a baby your size and shape may change but your boobs most definitely will! If you are breastfeeding then the bra you need will be very different to what you are used to and after the breastfeeding stops your boobs will most probably reduce in size and fullness. A good bra can make you look like you have lost a dress size and popping on a matching set that isn't grey will make you feel more confident too. My friend Damaris has her own luxury brand but has also recently created a range for Marks and Spencer too. you don't have to spend a fortune but getting the right size is imperative.
  • Don’t be afraid to try out new brands, your lifestyle has changed and it’s good to find brands that work for you as you are now. Baukjen is a great sustainable brand that will work hard for you both during and after pregnancy

Amazing outfits from Baukjen Designed for Good

Baukjen Designed for Good

  • Remember who you are, if it’s gold hoops, a bold lip or your signature scent - incorporate this into your look - don’t stop being you You didn’t lose your personality along with the placenta.

Below are a few pieces from my collection to help you style your outfit for all occasions and that all important me time.

KeriKit Luxury Designer Changing Bags For Precious Me time

Having a baby is a wonderful experience but it is also very tiring and a time filled with hormones, body changes and often a change in career too. As women we have to make many choices and often some sacrifices too so go easy on yourself and make sure you treat yourself too as you most certainly deserve it - FACT!

Follow Donna on Instagram, her handle is @sulkydollstyling

Donna has offered my KitGirls 10% any of her services. Her prices are very reasonable and can be done in person and remotely too so you can get involved and supported wherever you are!

Just mention how you found out about her and quote code Keri10

I for one will be enjoying her services once I can get back down to London and have enough budget to really treat myself!

Love always,

Keri x

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