How To Have A Smooth Second Trimester

Yay! You have got through your first trimester and your gorgeous baby bump is now showing. The second trimester starts at week 13 through to 27, and during this time, you will start to feel those little kicks and jabs that keep you comforted that all is well. Most pregnant women say that they get over their morning sickness when the second trimester kicks in but this is not the same for all. Others experience morning sickness all the way through, but let’s hope that’s not you!

New experiences

Most mothers-to-be tend to wait until this time to start telling people that they are pregnant just to make sure all is okay at their second scan. Once that’s done, it’s lovely to share the news with friends and family so enjoy making your big announcement.

You may also start seeing other changes in your body too, an increase in breast size, as well as an increase in pigmentation, leg cramps, dizziness, urinary tract infection – again this sounds fun, doesn’t it? On a more serious note, do consult your OBGYN immediately if any of these happen or if something just doesn’t feel right. To prepare you for what is to come, we have created a checklist for you to use as a guide during your second trimester. Please note that this is not intended to be medical advice.

Checklist for health care during your second trimester

  • Continue taking your Pre-Natal Vitamins
  • Maintain a balanced diet as we discussed in the first trimester post. Include foods that are rich in iron and take recommended supplements.
  • Increase your protein intake, such as lean meat, tofu, eggs, fish (cooked only)
  • Continue with your Calcium consumption including dairy products, salmon, white beans, and green leafy vegetables
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Fluids

Checklist for shopping during your second trimester and a few tips from Keri

For many women, shopping is a form of therapy to release stress, so we are basically saying shop and it will make you feel better…at least that’s our translation. Here are some things you should consider getting as your gorgeous baby bump expands. I lived in the over the bump jeans from H&M as the under the bump ones made we want to wee all the time. Also, if you are planning a holiday, Seraphine does THE BEST JEAN SHORTS in the world and they last forever.

  • Maternity clothes – while loose fitting dresses, shorts and pants with elastic waist are more comfortable, accentuating your bump actually makes you look slimmer and for once you can wear something nice and fitted and not have to wear spanx or breathe in! We love the new collection on offer by zara

  • Body pillow – if you haven’t got one of these as yet, now is the time to get one, especially if you are not sleeping as well as you used to. They help with back pain and help prevent you from rolling over on your tummy too. I also found it to be a handy barrier, if you know what I mean 😉, and also a great barrier between you and the side cot. When I had my twins, this was useful, as i was worried about my duvet creeping in and smothering them. After the baby is born, it is also great for feeding and then for their tummy time too.


Here are our top 8 must - haves for your second trimester:

1. Maternity clothes (leggings, tanks, long sleeve, short sleeve t-shirts, dresses)

2. Maternity bra with no underwire

3. Tummy oil for stretch marks and itching (I used Bio Oil and didn't get any stretchmarks with my twins which is a bloody miracle!).

4. Try to keep doing light exercise. There are pre-natal Yoga / Pilates classes to help with breathing exercises and stretches that will help keep you calm and collected.

5. Nutritious snacks - Graze are a great option to keep in your bag and they do chocolaty treats too.

6. Comfy shoes / slippers and pyjamas

7. Lanisoh for sore nipples - also makes THE BEST lip salve

8. I now think every expectant mama should have some bath bombs in her life. When you have an achey back, and are feeling tired and weary, a long soak in a bath with one of these from Lush is the perfect little luxury.

Now it's time to think a bit about the baby :)

Shopping for babies is so much fun but remember to plan a budget and stick with the necessities and they really don't need that much when they are first born. Bear in mind you will also get showered with gifts of clothing so we suggest you save your money and spend it on yourself instead. Here are a few online shopping options to get you started, though.

Boden Amazon Moksha Baby Trotters JoJo Maman Bebe

Choosing a bag for your second Trimester

As you go through your second trimester, most of your attention tends to be on your baby. I know this was the case for me. I bought far too many baby clothes and didn't really consider my needs as much apart from keeping healthy and enjoying the odd body-con dress. However, one priority I did have was finding the perfect bag. I searched EVERYWHERE and was so disappointed with the choices out there. The amount you need to carry grows with your baby.

As you get bigger, you don't want to be carrying a big bag with a tiny thin strap as this will dig into your shoulder and twist your spine out of alignment. However, you will be carrying more snacks, fluids and other things to keep you comfortable while out and about. You might want to have Ginger drops for morning sickness if you are still experiencing it, toilet paper for quick trips to the restroom, a handkerchief for the nausea, hand sanitiser and a water bottle for fluids on the go.

With all that in mind you will need a suitable bag to fit all of your essentials. KeriKit has a wide range of baby changing bags, from backpacks to cross body styles. They were designed by me, a fellow mummy of 3 and an accessories designer for over 25 years, so they are designed with you in mind. Each design offers effortless organisation and style so you will always look your best.

The second trimester of your pregnancy is the period for you to bond more with your baby while getting used to the idea of bringing a little one into the world. Hopefully, this will help to make it a smoother experience for you as you now know what you need and where to get it. You are doing great!

Love Always,

Keri x

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