- Breast Feeding If you decide to breast feed it's going to help you burn 380-700 calories per day. To help with this try the Ergobaby offers great comfort and support for you and your baby
- Breakfast Don't skip it, this helps jump start your metabolism, keeping up your energy levels and helps stave off cravings, to get some yummy recipes packed with nutrients check....
- Water Not only does it help with hydration it's also very good at filling you up. There's plenty of room in your KeriKit bag for the Brita fill and go bottle
- Healthy Food Whether it's protein, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, or brown rice - baked is better than fried! - The more nutritious food you eat the sooner you will return to your pre baby birth weight. With a new baby time to cook can be challenging so slow cooking is great as you can prepare the food while baby sleeps
- Healthy snacks Check out Graze - delivered straight to your door, snacking on healthy food couldn't be easier and they even have chocolate options!
- Sleep It will actually give you increased energy levels, so you're less likely to eat more. Nap when your baby does, the cleaning can wait!
- Exercise A brisk walk with you baby in pushchair is great for both of you. Maybe check if your local area has any mummy & baby workout classes. Or if you at home soup cans make perfect hand weights, and when you've finished you know what's for lunch!
- Fitbit wristband This handy little gizmo will record your steps, distance, calories burned and how long / how well you sleep. A great way to track your progress
Getting back to your pre birth weight involves patience, perseverance and dedication. We know it's not easy, but you can do it!
Lots of Love
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